Again, how masculine. Her entire dress here alludes to masculinity without becoming androgynous. Beautiful, seductive, and strong despite her predicament.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Again, how masculine. Her entire dress here alludes to masculinity without becoming androgynous. Beautiful, seductive, and strong despite her predicament.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Jail Bait
Especially hot asses, because they tend to develop sooner. Breasts take a little longer to fill out, sometimes not coming in until a woman is in her 20s or even 30s ('strue!)
But anyway, my point is that the other day I was watching the news, and they were demonizing some guy (in his 30s, I believe), who had gotten involved with a 16-year-old girl. He's a criminal, yes, and he deserves to be punished. But the amount of vilification they were heaping on him seemed a bit excessive and it made me think back to my pal Hesiod and what he'd said, about men who shouldn't get married until they were 27 or 30, but they were supposed to marry a woman somewhere in her teens. And I started thinking about many of the historical cultures I knew and about our probable evolutionary history, and it occurred to me that for most of this time, men were probably allowed or even encouraged to get involved with really young girls.
This day and age is different. Ideally, we want women to have time to reach emotional and physical maturity before they start putting their bodies through the hardships of sex and its consequences. I think the laws are good ones and should be enforced. Of course, when you start working at a place that sells tobacco and alcohol, they tell you how hard it is to tell the age of a person buying. That's why you're required to ask for ID at the counter. I think it's a little much to expect a guy to ask for ID in the bedroom. If he suspects something, he'll ask her if she's of age, and odds are she'll say yes. Still, err on the side of caution, or be prepared to pay the consequences.
But I think the vilification and the hatred and the long-term monitoring should be saved for the real sexual predators: rapists and pimps and makers of underage porn who combine sex with violence or money to turn it into an exploitive act.
Anybody who was in it for mutual pleasure and engaged in only consensual acts should be punished, because they should know better, but we shouldn't treat them like inhuman monsters.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I Must Increase My Bust
I'm not normally a YouTube user, but I stumbled across this video while doing research for work. Go ahead and start the video while you read the commentary, but you might rather do without the sound.
I've mentioned before my early experience with pinups, so it's natural, I think, that I'm interested in anime women. This video highlights one great feature of anime women: their breasts. It doesn't really get started until you get out of the club, but once it gets going it doesn't stop. Note how wonderfully the animators show off their movement. This is a real treat, because they move in ways that no woman would let her breasts move in real life--it'd be too painful.
See the warrior woman with the high split in her skirt? Anime is great at this--giving women impossibly long legs and skirts slit indecently high--a design I've only known one woman to attempt.
Nice also are the shots of men looking at the breasts--they serve to reduce the perv factor by stressing that it's only normal for men to respond this way to such lovely sights. I particularly empathize with the bearded old man on the pole, eagerly scanning the crowd for cleavage.
There is one problem here, though. In their zeal for big breasts, the animators have made them too rounded, too globular. While I suspect that this is the result of the fantasy element of anime making the brests stand out the way they'd never do in real life, the effect is to produce something akin to artificial breasts in shape, making them a little less appealing. The movement, too, is over-exaggerated, and ruins the firm-but-yielding impression of solidity one gets from looking at real breasts.
Overall, though, an enjoyable little film.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
An Apology
Guys and other fans, my apologies for being so remiss in my postings. Truth is, I have a job where I write about stuff like this all day. Here's an example of my work, with the promise that I'll get back to the Pleasure Dome very soon.
The Science of Beauty: Youth
Why is it that supermodels, singers, and Hollywood starlets keep getting changed out every few years in favor of younger models? How is it that Britney Spears, barely 26, is being seen as fat and old? Science tells us she's past her prime, sexually, since female reproductive fertility peaks at age 22. And now, especially since she's reproduced twice, her fascination to the collective male ego is on the wane.
But is that all there is to it? And if it is, why doesn't she just go gently into that good night and stop trying to shake her groove thing on the boob tube? And why can't the rest of us, past our sexual prime, do likewise, even if we have also reproduced and are engaged in a significant personal relationship that is generally fulfilling? Why do we insist on trying to maintain our youthful appearance?
Beauty Is Youth, Youth Beauty
First of all, it's hard to dispute the connection between the fading beauty of youth and the peak of sexual fertility. After about age 22, a number of significant changes happen in the face that decrease attractiveness in women, many of them making women's faces seem more masculine. The lips begin to lose tissue, making them thinner and flatter like men's lips. Also, the chin becomes more pronounced with age, also like a man's. Youthful eyes are wide and clear, and young women have high, arched brows, but with age the eyelids and the brow both droop.
In addition, the complexion begins to change, from smooth and lustrous to blotchy, wrinkly, and dull. All these things provide undeniable signals to the opposite sex that we are past our reproductive prime.
But Is that all Ye Need to Know?
But if that's the case, why don't we jus let ourselves go after we've found our soulmate and after we've successfully reproduced?
First of all, human reproduction is a long process, and is not considered complete until our children have children, so we're conditioned to try and keep beautiful as long as possible. (Not to mention pestering our kids: "When am I going to have a grandchild?")
Second, humans practice what anthropologist Desmond Morris called "supersex." In using the term, he is not saying that human sex is particularly better than that practiced by other species, although it's certainly true in some cases. What Morris is referring to is the fact that sex is not just sex. It's pretty much never just about reproduction: it's about bonding and emotional attachment. And more than that, sex is not just the act itself.
Unlike our closest relatives, the bonobos, human beings do not practice casual sex to bond the greater social body. Instead, we have substituted a thousand semi-sexual rituals to do that bonding work for us, from dancing to the hundred acts of casual flirting in which we engage every day.
And because these rituals are all linked to sex at their base, when we begin to feel ourselves becoming less sexually attractive, it is no wonder that we might feel socially insecure, even if we have no overtly sexual motives or goals. This anxiety is heightened by the numerous images of ever-youthful women supplied by television, magazines, and billboards that invade our personal environment and make us feel we are in direct competition with them.
She Cannot Fade:
For Ever Wilt Thou Love, and She Be Fair!
Fortunately, in this modern age many of the overt signs of aging can be, if not reversed, then diminished to a point consistent with maintaining our self esteem against the thousand needling doubts we cannot help but feel every time we look in the mirror or in the face of someone looking at us, their eyes darting over our face, making unconscious judgments about it.
It is possible to combat shrinking lips with a combination of injectable fillers and/or a lip implant.
A broadening chin can be corrected with a facelift, neck lift, or a chin implant. Often these procedures work together to complement one another nicely
The drooping of our eyelids can be corrected with eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), and the contracting of the brow can be combated with a brow lift. Wrinkles can be smoothed with a facelift, brow lift, neck lift, or injectable fillers and laser collagen replacement. Finally, numerous treatments exist to keep our skin lustrous, smooth, and fair, including chemical and laser peels, facials, and microdermabrasion.
If you are interested in remaining a friend to man when old age has wasted this generation, consult the website of facial and ocular cosmetic surgeon Dr. Robert Fante and the Fante Eye and Face Center in Denver, Colorado.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Public transportation romance I
There’s a guy who gets on the bus about the same time as me, a little before 6:30 in the morning, and, like me, rides all the way to the end of the line. He’s quiet, reserved. He looks like Paul Giamatti in Sideways, only more so: bigger in every way. He’s taller, wider, darker hair, going grey, and with scruffier stubble, although all these things work together to maintain his proportionality to the Miles character. He also has a notebook that he scribbles in the entire bus ride, so I imagine he’s working on this monstrous novel.
There’s a woman who gets on the bus, too, older, about an average build: nothing much to speak of. She dresses nice, emphasizing her ass which is fairly toned, and trying to conceal the age in her face. She wears sunglasses and a scarf on her head in inclement weather. Her hair is dyed red, but fading a little bit, shoulder-length, and wavy. If she reads, it’s only the paper, but she doesn’t ride that long, so she mostly sits and looks out the window.
They both get off at the same stop, and transfer to the same bus, the one I ride. She gets off at my stop. He rides on.
Yesterday, on the second bus, she wasn’t looking out the window. She was looking across the bus at the Paul-Giamatti guy scribbling in his book. He was sitting in front and across from her. At one point, he looked up from his notebook, and glanced back over his shoulder. Their eyes met, and there might have been just the fraction of a smile before they both looked away.
Is this the first spark of a brilliant flame that will illumine the lives of these people? I don’t know. We’ll have to wait and see.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Office girls; or, The Cruel Trick of the Universe
This is the cruel trick of the universe. On your deathbed, in the instant of your last breath, an angel sits on your pillow and tells you the secret of life.