Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Making the World a Better Place

I'm sure there are many people who think that I am a hedonist devoted only to the study of carnal pleasure, but really Stately Pleasure Domes is devoted to a number of important causes. First of all, of course, is saving boobs:

And we remind women that regular self-exams are crucial to the early detection of cancers and pre-cancers. This can seem like a chore, but a little bit of baby oil will help your hands glide smoothly over your breasts. It's also a good idea to enlist a spotter who can help you perfect your technique and make sure you don't miss any spots: "Slower over the nipple, that's it, circle it again, just to be sure." (PS-be sure to check out the "making of" video. You get to see Aliya-Jasmine in her glasses. Not only is she hot, but she's cute and smart. After all, not only did she direct the PSA, she WROTE IT, too. Every word.)

Animal rights is another cause I completely support. After all, I am an animal. And I believe that we should all reduce our meat consumption and our use of animal-derived products so we can end cruel factory farms. I also support many of PETA's campaigns, including "Cruelty Doesn't Fly."

Not to mention its various "I'd rather go naked" campaigns:

And its lettuce bikini campaign:
A noble effort, indeed. It could have been better if a) they'd designed the bikinis a little better and b) they'd taken advantage of the opportunity to slip a veggie dog in there. But, still, the "respect" tattoo peeking out there is classic.

There are some who criticize PETA for sacrificing women's bodies to make the case for animals. I can see the point, but there are a lot of women with really great looking bodies who want to contribute to a cause. Not all of them are as smart as Aliya-Jasmine and can actually WRITE a PSA. Unlike animals, the women participating are doing so of their own free will. They could be getting naked to advertise a product that profits from cruelty to animals, but instead, they are using their assets in a positive way.

But the cause that's nearest and dearest to my heart is Global Orgasm for Peace. Make love, not war. Every day, in every way.