Monday, May 12, 2008

Swimsuit Models

The premiere marketplace for selling swimsuit models is, of course, the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, which rolls around every year in the Spring, and is, in truth, something I look forward to about the season. Not being able to purchase and peruse a copy, I enjoy a furtive glance at the issues in the checkout stand or the magazine aisle, but have never really taken the time to look at it.

Now I have a job where looking at is practically what they pay me for. And I must say that there are some things I like, and some things I don't. Of course, I love to see mostly naked women. The female body is one of the most beautiful things this life has to offer. So I like pictures like these that actually make me think these women are attractive:

(This is body painting, which SI manages to ruin on many occasions, but here it's pretty hot. She has great breasts that have the perfect shape when not suspended in a bra or swimsuit. Note how she has to keep her legs crossed so you don't see her pudenda. (PS--Did you know that the word porcelain comes from the Latin porcello, meaning "little pig" a slang for "vulva"?))

Actually, few of these models are really attractive. They pretty much range from emaciated (note this is the same model as in the first picture above)

to malnutritioned adolescents,

which may be fine if you're into the whole pedofile thing. Personally, I prefer women that look like women.


Anonymous said...

If you want to do some more work-related activity, Ain't It Cool has naked pictures of Megan Fox up today. While we're in agreement that she's not the "sexiest woman alive," it's worth a trip to the site (and the reader commentary is hilarious!):

Anonymous said...

The perfectly shaped breasts of which you speak belong to Marisa Miller. She doesn't know it yet, but she's deeply in love with me, and can't stop fantasizing about the sexual animal I'll release in her. It's coming Marisa, oh, it's coming.