Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Breast Debate

As much as I respect the opinions of my esteemed readership, I must dissent from their opinion on my last blog that breast connoisseurs only judge one the basis of naked breasts.

First, I have to say that bare breasts are best, and if we had our druthers, every woman would flash us her pair whenever our spirits were low. But if if's and and's were pots and pans, what would tinkers do?

Nearly all the breasts we see each day are fully clothed, but this does not make them unattractive. Bare and clothed breasts are both beautiful, for somewhat different reasons. Let's use Natasha Henstridge as an example, since I happen to have clothed and unclothed images of her handy.

She is not necessarily the best example, but we can still make comparisons. Advantages of clothed breasts: cleavage & unified line that generally creates a better figure. You get better definition and generally a better shape. Plus, movement is somewhat controlled,so that the breasts aren't going any which way when the woman walks. Advantages of bare breasts: nipples, for sure; and you do get the natural erotic curve of the breast, with the downswooping top and the rounded bottom. So . . . they both have advantages. Here are some pictures of clothed & bare breasts:

And how nobody talked about Marisa Miller, I'll never know.
And for your amusement, here's a JS nipple slip.


Anonymous said...

I suppose you're right about this.

And three cheers for the Julianne Moore photo!

Dr. C said...

Yeah, I like that picture. She can be a sexy woman. Apparently, she was on the cover of Vogue Paris in May--not an especially good picture, but she's wearing some nice lingerie.

I hope to write soon about how some magazines really botch women's beauty. I mean, here's a beautiful girl: take her picture. How hard can it be? But Scarlett Johansson and Marisa Miller both had terrible photos on covers this month.

Anonymous said...

Can breasts with clothes be sexy as hell? Most definitely. Can we give out awards for best breasts based on wonderbras, photoshop, and professional stylists? Hell no! Off with the tops, ladies, the judging is about to begin!

And I believe I mentioned Ms. Miller.