SvC is a blog I read pretty frequently. I discovered it when i was looking for material related to the Sex in the City movie, when there was an entry on Kristen Davis, who, apparently, showed how best to dress for the pear-shaped body. It said she had come to terms with her body partly by learning to dress for what she had and stop wanting what she didn't.
Since then, I've discovered that this blog, while superficial, is pretty good for collecting pics of celebrities in all forms of dress and using them as the focus of aesthetic discussions about what makes women beautiful. Since I like that topic, I return frequently, both for work and recreation.

So one day I came across this breast showdown. Now, Megan Fox may ostensibly be the hottest woman on the planet but to me the winner here is a no-brainer. Salma Hayek has some of the best breasts on the planet. There are a lot of things to like about Megan Fox, and they did a nice job of making her look pretty good in Transformers, which was considerate of them because otherwise there wouldn't have been anything worth looking at. But her breasts are nothing special. With all due respect to the readers of InTouch magazine, they certainly are not among the top ten pairs of celebrity breasts.
What surprised me about this post though, was that a number of readers commented that Hayek's breasts sagged too much. Really. It's pretty unbelievable. I guess there are a lot of people out there who don't understand that real breasts, natural breasts, if they are of any size at all, have a certain heft to them. They acquire a shape that is a geometric compromise of forces between gravity, mass, internal cohesion and skin elasticity that is not only natural, but is generally considered attractive. That shape is highly convex on the bottom, slighly concave on the top, with the two curves meeting at around the nipple/areola complex. You can squeze them flat to create convexity on top, which has its appeal in certain situations, but is overall not a really attractive look, in my opinion. However, according to a recent survey by the American Society of Plastic Surgery, that's how many women think their breasts really should look all the time.
Real breast sagging is only when both the concave and convex hyperbolae grow steeper, the meeting of the two descends, and the breasts grow flatter. I don't see any of that here. Just a pair of really beautiful breasts.
If you go to SvC to look at this post, you might also look at the ones about Hollywood Pinups (including Kate Hudson!) to get a preview of a future subject . . .
1 comment:
Now THAT is an idea for numerous columns!
Yes, I favor Hayek here.
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