Monday, March 31, 2008


Now, admittedly, I'm not an ass man, so it's sometimes hard for me to understand what, exactly, makes a really attractive ass. I stumbled across this image and there were a lot of men speaking glowingly of it, as if the woman's ass looked really good:

It kind of reminds me of this cover picture of Heidi Montag for Maxim magazine. I just don't understand what, exactly makes these asses so attractive. Is the hard, round, spheroid the ideal? Perhaps one of y'all can help me.


Anonymous said...

The perfect ass can't be defined in words. It's like the old saying, "I know art when I see it."

(remember when Z-Man compared our Georgia Peach waitress's ass to the Mona Lisa?).

Dr. C said...

Granted. And I do know them when I see them.