Thursday, December 18, 2008

Brits Get Special Treatment

While American gents were treated in their quarterly to much-promoted pics of Jennifer Aniston promoting her dumb dog movie

Their British counterparts were given a much better selection, with this sultry neo-noir spread of Jessica Biel.

Jessica Biel has the distinction of being one of only two women to make both Maxim & FHM's top ten hottest women two years running (with Scarlett), and I think she's far more worthy than Aniston of receiving attention in a men's magazine.

Aniston definitely has gossip interest for some and certainly has her place in a woman's magazine, but to my mind Aniston hasn't been at all compelling since she ditched her Chotchkies' uniform.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Aniston is dull. But I can only assume her dog film will warm all our hearts!

Anonymous said...

And isn't that what dog movies are all about?