Friday, December 12, 2008

Scarlett in Spirit

So I'm not particularly interested in Spirit. Independent of the strip (of which I know nothing), the movie looks like a lame attempt to recapture the success of Sin City. And since 300 made me wish someone would just cleave my head in half and get the whole thing over with, I really can't get excited about another Frank Miller piece.

But this promo pic of Scarlett Johansson is really hot. It makes me think that if I were a bachelor with no familial obligations on Christmas Day, I'd probably see the movie when it opens.
Not only is this a gorgeous representation of neo-retro-noir dangerous/sexy gals with the black, the hat, and the bright red lipstick, but Scarlett looks simply beautiful here. I'm very happy about the resurgence of Chix in Spex. Between Tina Fey, Sarah Palin, and now Scarlett, women are taking to big glasses in a big way. You just see it all around, and I like it.
And, of course, not to be ignored is Scarlett's cleavage, which once again shows the superiority of natural breasts over fakies. Natural breasts have a subtle curve to them, something inscrutable, the product of the dramatic interplay of flesh and gravity. And it is this subtle shape to which true breast men, with a fully developed sense of breasthetics, are drawn.
Fake breasts take the shape of the implant, namely "round," or, more properly, circular. They are the shape of breasts that you learn how to draw in third grade to amuse yourself and your friends, and they stimulate at about that level. Don't get me wrong--I won't eschew them altogether--but fake breasts are like Velveeta, a plastic parody of the real thing. Better than nothing, but not sufficient to satisfy your real craving.
Incidentally, ever wonder who's responsible for much of the sameness of Playboy, FHM, and Maxim model's breasts? Michael Ciarivino, "The Breast Doc," wants to take much of that credit. With his streamlined approach, he says, he can do boob jobs faster than anyone, does more than just about anyone, and really likes 'em big & "round." The more I see, the less impressed I am.


Anonymous said...

"Not to be ignored is Scarlett's cleavage."

No worries there, Dr. C!

(now I must peruse those sites from the other post for euphemisms!).

Mindi said...

"Boys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses." I guess that may not be so true after all.


Anonymous said...

Wow, "bitchcake" is a euphemism for "vagina"?

In my attempt to make "this shit is the bitchcakes" a catchphrase, I actually didn't know that! (it was just a joke I stole from Newsradio!).

Anonymous said...

They said "This shit is bitchcakes" on Newsradio?

--Damn that show was more cutting edge than i realized!

Anonymous said...

Nah, they just said "bitchcakes" on there. But I filed it away for future usage and it has served me well.

I do believe that several episodes of Newsradio are damn near classics, though.